One of the first times we met |
The first time I met her, I thought I would never be able to get close to her. I would be lucky if I even got a chance to talk to her. She was an unreachable target. Everybody knew who she was, and of course they did. She was amazing. She was beautiful, had the most kick-ass style I had ever seen, was funny and had a laugh so contagious I still can't help smiling every time I hear it. Besides, I just looked up to her. Not as a big sister, more as an idol. The day we met, I had brought my guitar. We sat in the same group, and she asked if she could play it. Just the fact that she talked to me made me sort of speechless, so I just gave her the guitar without a word. I had never felt like that around a girl. Maybe around a guy who I fancied, but this was different. I just felt drawn to her personality... nothing romantic. That day, we ended up talking a whole lot. The day was followed by many summernights with plenty of alcohol, weird people, and just freedom from norms and rules we had to follow when we weren't together.
A year went by, and we didn't see each other much. She started on a boarding school, and was never at home. We chatted on the computer, and texted too. As soon as she got home, her and I became something special. Somehow, we built a bond which to me seems unbreakable. We have shared so many things, and we just know a hella lot of things about each other! Then, I got a boyfriend. He and I were together in 9 months. She was there for me through the whole relationship, and was so supportive. She was the only one I really went to, if he and I had problems. She was very understanding and caring. She made me feel wanted in moments of low self esteem. She was the only person who could make a completely real smile appear on my lips, even though I had just had a fight with my boyfriend. And through the breakup, she was 100% there for me. We talked everything through so many times, and I'm not sure I would have managed everything so well, if she hadn't been there. The other way around, I have been there for her as well. I know almost everything about her, even things she doesn't tell her other close friends. It makes me feel special. She makes me feel special. I really hope her and I will stay together forever - though, sadly, I've experienced otherwise with other close friends in my life /:... but this, feels different.
All I wanna say with this thread, is I really love this girl to death, and I hope I will never ever lose her!
I love you Martha <3
Being silly, new year's eve <3 |